We have over 40 lions clubs, made up of more than 1400 men & women in Hennepin County raising funds and performing community service projects for their friends and neighbors.
Service projects have included:
A Lions club really is the heart of a community, we are all volunteers and every dime we raise from the community goes back into the community in the form of donations.
Why not check out your local lions club and join us in serving our community?
Get your shirt now and be ready for 2029!!!
Your connection to everything Mid-Winter!
... is leading Lions and Leos on our mission to serve. Learn more about President Oliveira and his vision for Lions International and the future of service.
As a Lion for almost 40 years, International President Fabrício Oliveira has always given back to his community. His entrepreneurial spirit has driven him as a business leader and a Lion, inspiring ambitious projects and others to join him in service. With a strong sense of purpose and positivity, President Fabrício believes there is a le
As a Lion for almost 40 years, International President Fabrício Oliveira has always given back to his community. His entrepreneurial spirit has driven him as a business leader and a Lion, inspiring ambitious projects and others to join him in service. With a strong sense of purpose and positivity, President Fabrício believes there is a leader inside every Lion, and we can all make a lasting mark on the world.
Everywhere we serve, every time we give, we bring kindness and compassion, change and hope. And we make our mark on the lives we touch, the communities we serve and the world we share.
To empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.
Lions serve. It’s that simple, and it has been since we first began in 1917. Our clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities, and the world.
To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.